Thursday, June 18, 2015

6 hours

It is winter. The days are cold and more and more children are being referred to BG. In the past 2 weeks we have had six children brought to us, four of which were under a month old. This happens every year. The temperatures go down and the children come in.

Today I went along to pick up a one week old baby. My role was to sit in the back of the car and hold the child. I know what you are thinking, "I have a really hard job." Don't worry, I snuggled him as long as I could. In situations like this, I don't share well.

This child's story is one we have heard time and time again, but because it is winter it gets very serious. This child was abandon shortly after birth and found by two herd boys who brought him to people would could help. The doctor who assessed him knew that the child had to be less than 6 hours old. The reason why "6 hours" is because the child was found naked and could not have survived being outside for any more than 6 hours.

In situations like this I thank God for herd boys who act when they hear a cry. It has happened time and time again where children are found abandoned by herd boys. Even though society views them to have no skill, I see them as acting heroes who are saving the lives of many children.

As we were driving today, our social worker told us a very sad story of the reality of child abandonment. When we passed over a river, she told us that once there was a suit case found floating in it. Inside the suit case were the bodies of three small children. When I hear things like this my heart breaks more and more for the people of Lesotho. I do not know what someone is going through or thinking when they do things like this. All any of us can do is pray. Pray for people to treat their children with worth. Pray that people make good choices if they feel that abandonment is the only option. Lastly pray that more herd boys and/or people walking the roads can find children so they are not out there longer than 6 hours.

Please join me in praying.


  1. Heart breaking realities.
    Love and prayer,
    Karen B

  2. This is why you do what you do, even though there are many heartaches. The look on your face says it all. If only one had been saved everything you have done and continue to do will be worth it. Because of your heart and passion for all things Beautiful Gate Lesotho - MANY have been saved and given hope. Bless you dear lady.
