Sunday, May 31, 2015

Vanished part 2

A few posts ago I wrote about an incident at BG when a mom showed up at BG and wanted help for her newborn child. We did what we could by giving her formula, diapers and dropped her at home. When our staff went to give her a bottle she had vanished. For days I would look for her when I went into town. After a week I stopped she was gone. Two weeks ago, I walked into the office at BG and there she was, but this time she had not only the baby but a 2 year old as well.

She came asking for more formula and told us if we didn't give it to her she would abandon the two children. My heart broke. I wanted to help her, but knew that BG cannot serve as a hand out facility for formula. Honestly there are months when we wonder how long our supply will last for the children that live at BG. After talking to our social worker, we decided the best thing to do would be to drop the woman and her children off at social welfare. We hoped they could help her, because we couldn't. So in the midst of leading a team from Michigan, I jumped in the car with a staff member and we brought the woman and children to social welfare.

When we arrived we asked her to sit in the waiting area, while we talked to the social workers. I thought it would be a quick visit, but I was wrong. The social workers asked us to stay and listen while they talked to the mother. They wanted it to be made very clear that BG is not a place to go and ask for whatever you need. When the mother came in the environment changed. The social workers knew this lady and they were tired of her empty threats. They had tried to reach out to her themselves, but she would never uphold her end of the agreement. There was a lot of yelling and stern conversation. It was all in Sesotho, but even though I only understood about every fifth word, I knew exactly how the social workers felt. A few times myself and the BG staff member stood up to try and leave, but we were quickly told to sit down. It was a very hard thing to sit through. The social workers asked the mother to step out for a minute while they made a plan with us. During this time they spoke in English and filled me in. The women was a liar. Everything that was coming out of her mouth was false. The governmental social workers could see through the lies. This women was trying to use BG for free supplies and not only did sage have these two children, but three more at home.

This whole situation broke my already broken heart. This women probably needed help, but the only way she knew how to get it was manipulating those around her. She lied to BG. She lied to the government. And I am certain, she lied to herself. As the BG staff member and I left we walked past her and the two children. The 2 year old boy looked at me and smiled, my heart sank again. This little boy and his siblings were the victims in this situation. They did not deserve to be raise this way. They did nothing wrong to warrant the way they were being treated. They should not have had to sit in on a meeting and hear what I heard.

There really are no words and feelings for how I am feeling about this situation. I feel sorry for the children. I feel bad that BG and the government tried to help this women but she only used us to get what she wanted without doing the work. I feel bad for the woman, who obviously does not have a lot of self worth and cannot find a way to help herself, unless she creates a lie. I also and angry that she used BG to fulfill her need. In my opinion, she stole from us and that just hurts.

Keep praying for friends, because there are people all over the world who feel the only way to do life is through hand outs and they do not take any personal pride in working for what they have.  

1 comment:

  1. Praying that she sees truth so her children won't follow in her footsteps.
    Karen B
