Tuesday, May 4, 2010

one month

A month ago, I boarded a plane and headed for Africa. I only knew I was going to be working at Beautiful Gate, but God knew the many lessons He would teach me.

1. The feeling of being abandoned.
2. The love of being reunited with some special kids.
3. How to change a cloth Nappie (diaper)
4. How to make 20 bottles with 3 different kids of formula, many different ml of water and not get them messed up.
5. How to use the meteoric system
6. Leaving a sick child at a hospital that was dirtier than anything I have ever seen. (Praise note. The baby is back at BG and doing very well.)
7. How to use an outdoor toilet and not even think it is weird.
8. How to boil water many times throughout the day so it is safe to use.
9. To enjoy riding in the hatchback of a Toyota through the mountains.
10. To listen to ONLY God's voice for direction.
11. How to let a child go to his mom.
12. What the price is for a bride. 23 cows and 8 sheep. (Now I have to find a way to tell all men my dad isn't a farmer.)

I can't thank you all enough for your prayers and support. I am loving my time at Beautiful Gate. I have done so many things it is hard to list them all. My favorite part has been seeing 4
children meet their mom and dads. As hard as it was to say goodbye to them, it was good to know the dream of Beautiful Gate is being fulfilled and these children have homes.

**Yesterday a 6 month old baby boy was brought in. He is VERY malnourished and needs a lot of attention. Tomorrow I said I would take care of him. Which means feeding him very little amounts through a syringe, otherwise he will vomit all over. Please pray for this little miracle to grow and gain weight.

love to you all from Lesotho.


  1. Terp. I love you so much. When I saw the new picture, such joy filled my heart. It is SUCH a beautiful, magnificent picture. My heart is smiling. I hope yours is too.

    Much love and extensive prayers,


  2. YOu can see it in your face on that picture...You are where you were meant to be! So cute!

  3. Terp...what a beautiful picture! I'm reminded of Jesus and how the children wanted to be near Him.:) They see Jesus in you.
    As I read your note I can't help but talk to God, thanking Him for you and your honesty...and asking Him to strengthen you with His power as you bring the beauty of Him to Africa.
    I love you! In His Grip, barb
