Thursday, October 22, 2015

Be Imitators

A few weeks ago I gathered with a few dear friends for a worship night. We all had had a long week from the busyness of our lives and came wounded. Some of the wounds were physical, some were emotional, some were spiritual, but none the less, they were wounds and because of them we were ready to just sit and be with Jesus and each other. It was a beautiful fall night in Michigan. The air was crisp, clean and still. You could smell the freshness and newness of the changing of seasons and we all desired some newness in our lives. We gathered our chairs, paper, crayons and musical instruments and sat together. That night we didn't long for a well polished or not so well polished program, we just wanted Jesus. Before going to my friend's house, I sat in my favorite chair at home and prayed out to God. I felt like I had nothing to offer my friends. I was tired. I was weak and I just wanted Jesus. There was no event or innocent that made me that way, it was just a numbness and weakness of my flesh that longed to be with the One who gives me worth and sees me as whole rather than the shatter mess I feel like most days. That night my friends and I let go of whatever was holding us and we just were together with Jesus. The kids colored and played a drum. The adults talked about our days and hurts and every once in a awhile we would find a song to sing and I would play it on the guitar. It wasn't a well practiced choir or worship band, but it was a beautiful chorus and song of surrender to our Abba. The night was filled with conversations of real, raw emotion and confirmed in me that as children of the King we just need to stop and be together more often. None of us had an epiphany when listening to each others hearts, but we all left lighter and more confident in who we were because of our time together. In the beautiful simplicity of the night, we embraced the gentle boldness that God gives us to face the things in our lives that make us feel like we are loosing our minds and ourselves. I personally left that night with a joy in my heart. I felt like I had been with Jesus. I had experienced the church and it was so good.

The next morning a friend that was there sent me a photo of her daughter. The message said "Worshipping before school and she wants to be sure she's playing guitar just like Ms. Christina." My heart felt so many emotions while I starred at that photo. There was joy in remembering the greatness of the night before and then fear because no one should want to mimic me. I am a sinner. I mess up every day and will until I reach heaven. The thoughts in my head are ones of selfish desires and questioning the way God's plan is unfolding. But then I turn to God's word and I see how he sees me...
    I am the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13)
    I am the light of the world (Matthew 5:14)
    I am a child of God (John 1:12)
    I am a joint heir with Christ, sharing His inheritance with Him (Rom. 8:17)
    I am a temple -- a dwelling place-- of God. His Spirit and life dwell in me (1 Cor 3:16; 6:19)
    I am united to the Lord and am one spirit with Him (1 Cor 6:17)
    I am a member of Christ's body (1 Cor 12:27; Eph 5:30)
    I am a new creation (2 Cor 5:17)

You see, you may see yourself as tainted or so sinful that you have no idea how you can impact the world, but that is not what God sees. He sees His child who He loves so dearly. He sees one who He has given everything for. He sees His inheritance when He sees us. As my friend's daughter wanted to play the guitar just like me, I want to live just like Christ. I want to serve those around me, just like He did. Even when I feel like I am so broken and weak that I have nothing more to give, I want to give, so that His name will be praised. If we all let go of how we think the church should look like and cling to the gospel of truth that says we are the church and we need to simply be together and worship together, I think this world would be a much sweeter and joy filled place. For as the apostle Paul said...

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Ephesians 5:1-2, ESV)


  1. Others watch us more than we realize..all the more to be imitators of Christ! Nice thoughts for today!
    Karen B
