Tuesday, August 25, 2015


For the past, I do not know how many years, my path has been intersecting with the path of another person. Through events for common friends or at the church I grew up in, it always seemed that I could count on connecting with my friend Lynette. I have known her for a long time through high school and youth group activities. She was always a welcomed face when I stepped into Community Reformed. A few years ago I was speaking at Community and while I was speaking my eyes connected with hers. I have this a lot during presentations when you can look at someone and see their heart being broken for God's children. I will be honest, it didn't really surprise me, because Lynette is one of those people whose life has been broken and through that, she embraced God's love. I cannot tell you how overjoyed I was when I discovered she was thinking of coming to BG to serve on a team in May of 2016. Seriously when I saw her and another friend of ours Amy at an informational meeting, my heart leaped inside me. I knew that while I was going over some of the things we would do there was something growing in her heart and Amy's. This May they stepped on to BG's campus and served with all they had. In fact most nights they were the last ones back to the house. With every opportunity they had they lavished love on the children, but then they took it one step further, they served the house mothers. One morning I walked into the house they were assigned to and they were scrubbing the kitchen. Amy was standing on the counter scrubbing the top of the cabinets. Lynette was scrubbing the floors in the living area. During this time the house mothers were sitting down and taking a break. It made my heart so happy to see them living kingdom lives. 

As the trip went on a deep friendship was formed. Lynette and I were no longer the type of friends that just said "hi" in passing, but close sisters in Christ. Since being home, Lynette and Amy have continued to serve BG well by using their gifts to help organize a successful 5K (more on this in another blog) and by supporting me and my transition back to Michigan. Lesotho is all about relationships. The Basotho culture care for each other deeply. To me, Lynette is Basotho. Since being home our relationship has grown even deeper through conversations on each other's porches, or at Captain Sundae or a random Saturday drive to Chick Fil A and even a trip to Dutch Village. Lynette is one of those people who looks at you and listens and then prays you through your journey. She continues to blow me away with her faith in the Lord. 

So your question is why am I blogging about her. Honestly I am sure that is her question too and when I see her next she may beat me up for this. Lynette is a survivor. She has beaten breast cancer before and a month ago she found out she has to do it all again after being diagnosed in July. The day she told me, I was pissed and had no issue telling God that either, but since that day, I have been fighting with her, along with many others. You see one should never have to do this thing alone. It was just a few months ago that Lynette was in Lesotho getting her hands dirty for God's Kingdom and through the doctor's appointments and treatments, she still wants to get dirty for the Lord. She didn't want myself and those serving at BG to think they were serving alone. I know and am believing that she will be getting dirty for Jesus for many more years and yes, once again she will be back in Lesotho loving on the kids and staff at BG. 

Lynette and her husband Matt are incredible people. They would stop and help you no matter what. The last thing they want to do is to be served, but now is when they need to be. Many of you have asked what you can do, so I wanted to give you two options. 

1) Pray. It seems simple, but when you take time out of your day to approach our Father and plead for His healing, things happen and I know and believe healing can be done! 

2) Give. An account has been set up for you to donate finically to help cover medical expenses and what I like to call "life" expenses. 100% of the money donated goes directly to the Bell family. Let's come together like the believers in Acts 2 and serve by giving. The link to donate is https://cash.me/$Bellieve. 

Mark 5:36 says, "Do not be afraid. Just believe." That is what I am choosing to do for my sister in Christ, Lynette. As she says, she BELLieves and knows that God is the great healer, provider and her Abba. In Mark 10, Jesus says that if you see a mountain in front of you and have faith your prayers can move it, it will move. Please join me in BELLieving that this mountain will move and God's glory will be seen through the whole Bell family. 

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